Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Movie treat of the week

You can see by the several references in the blog that we love Arnold. We believe that he is unsurpassed by any actor on or off the silver screen. Arnold embodies the true spirit of the thespian that resides in the bosom. I think that its a shame that the there is such an Austrian bias in hollywood. It is obvious that he definently should have won at least five oscars and at the minimum a lifetime achievement award. Here is proof that arnold is not your average human being. In this particualar scene he exemplifies the American Justice system by dealing out a fair and just punishement. I will now let you watch for yourself and make your own decision. I personally imagine the bad guys as the AIG executives that dropped 440,000 dollars of bailout money on a retreat and then instead of a hearing we send in Arnold to recollect on the damn money.

Enjoy Jeff



RETTJ16 said...

I love the first scene where Arnold gets rid of the windshield! Rett did that to my current vehicle. Better air circulation and plus when he needs to belt out the machine gun it isn't in the way!!!!
I am sad Arnold will never be president!

J.R.G. said...

please tell me where to submit movie clips for future consideration. The Silver Bullet must be recognized.

Tiff Gatten said...

Again, Arnold SUCKS! Yep!