Hey everyone, Jeff here. Just wanted to post something about American Idol. I know this might seem a little late, but it's been on my mind for awhile and I thought it was time to get it off of my chest. For those of you who enjoy the show, American Idol can bring it all. Entertainment, drama, intrigue, and recently, depression. There is a contestant on the show named Alexis Grace. Not sure if you remember her, but she's the blond from the first group of the final 36. After she sang her song, the judges made some interesting comments that somewhat disturbed me. They reminded her that at her first appearance on the show, they told her she needed to "dirty up." And then proceeded to congratulate her for doing so. Now, I'm going to post a before and after photo, and let you be the judge of what the phrase "dirty up" means.


Now, to me that looks like the phrase "dirty up" means to dress yourself like a lady of the night. I pray that they would never ask me to "dirty up." But I thought, what would I look like if I did decide to "dirty up." Here is what I guess I would look like before and after the "dirtying up" process.

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lol. That was funny.
Haahaa that was funny! And who is that guy in the before picture? :)
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