Recently events have happened to trigger the world into a panic. Barack Obama has been elected the 44 president of this great country of ours. One of which men of his stature could only be created. I have heard rumors of gun control, anti christ and of course the assumption fear comes from submersive racism. I can assure you change is a good thing. We as human beings have a tendency to reject change. I dont ask that we should change our ways and somehow overnight embrace something mankind has gone through for thousands of years. Rightfully so that we should be worried. Many of you reading this blog work for the companies that have been effected by the problems we see in the financial markets. However the United States will continue to shine bright and recover brighter than ever before. This is what great men like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and of course George Washington knew when they faced the undaunting task of what might lay before them. However no matter what know that the reciliance of Americans burns very bright and we will be better than before. I love my country and have served its cause for a period of my life but know that the reason I signed up to die for its cause was because a black man from a single parent household that had every reason to fail could ascend to its pinnacle. This is what America truly is all about. God Bless this great country that I was privaleged to be part of. Oh and God Bless Metallica the best shit ive ever seen.
Jeffrey Marlow Jaques
Thank you Jeff...i totally agree! Everyone needs to stop with the shit talk and shut the hell up!
Why are people so afraid of change?
High Five...and thanks.
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