Many of you who have known Rett and Myself for a long time know about our love of old school WWF wrestling. Some of my fondest memories were on saturdays when the shit would come on and Rett and I would drop whatever we were doing at the time (for me it was probably eating and rett he was probably asleep because wrestling came on at one) to watch our superheroes in action. Rett and I were on a waiting list for four months for wrestlemania seven at cosmos video in kaysville and were dedicated to seeing the Hulkster pummel seargent slaughter into the ground for being anti-american.
However due to the beauty of You Tube I was able to retrace my memories and discovered that old school wrestling was full of some of the ugliest people and worst stereotypes on the planet. In doing so I wouldnt dare keep all the fun to myself. I will now feature the first one I revisited. This is Akeem the African dream. By looking at him he looks like a fat guy that works at Hill Air Force base in the paint shop. The story line of Akeem was that he was from the deepest darkest parts of Africa. Upon coming to America apparently he met up with his pimp freind Slick the doctor of style that would take him to the WWF to wreak havoc upon his opponents and all that opposed him.
First of all my assesment of Akeem is that the dark part of Africa that he was from was full of white polish people with southern accents that had an economy based upon Dunkin Doughnuts and Burger King. Second of all the video that is linked at the bottom shows us how Vince Mcmahon in all his puke glory tried to sell us quite possibly the worst story line since Dr Issak Yankem the sadistic dentist that fought his dental dreams in the ring. Watch the video and you be the judge.
However due to the beauty of You Tube I was able to retrace my memories and discovered that old school wrestling was full of some of the ugliest people and worst stereotypes on the planet. In doing so I wouldnt dare keep all the fun to myself. I will now feature the first one I revisited. This is Akeem the African dream. By looking at him he looks like a fat guy that works at Hill Air Force base in the paint shop. The story line of Akeem was that he was from the deepest darkest parts of Africa. Upon coming to America apparently he met up with his pimp freind Slick the doctor of style that would take him to the WWF to wreak havoc upon his opponents and all that opposed him.
First of all my assesment of Akeem is that the dark part of Africa that he was from was full of white polish people with southern accents that had an economy based upon Dunkin Doughnuts and Burger King. Second of all the video that is linked at the bottom shows us how Vince Mcmahon in all his puke glory tried to sell us quite possibly the worst story line since Dr Issak Yankem the sadistic dentist that fought his dental dreams in the ring. Watch the video and you be the judge.
I swear that was Mark Fifield and Cam Talbot. I love old school wrestling. I bet Dan Gentry has permanent spinal injuries from all the times I threw his ass off the trampoline while I was pretending to be the Ultimate Warrior.
Arnold Sucks!
Clearly, you haven't read my last comment....you would have hit the del button by now...hee, hee. :)
Akeem the African Dream kind of looks like Jeff pre-weight loss.
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